Friday, August 31, 2012

I SHOULD Feel Bad...

But I don't.
Not really.
It's just a cumpulsion.
I thing I cannot turn away from.
I am utterly powerless...
...when it comes to a good book.
Especially when said book is either one I've been meaning to get my hands on for a while (especially years!) and also when I can buy them cheap.
My demise is my victory.

I have so many books on my to-read shelves, yes that's shelves.
And what do I do?
Even though I'm a relatively slow meticulous reader.
And I especially take a while to get through books when school and dance are in full swing.
I keep on buyin 'em.
But like I said.
I am utterly powerless.
So here are my spoils of the day's book adventure.
And NOT my objects of shame.

The Silver Crown, by Robert C. O'Brien
Ever since I read and fell in love with Chris Colfer's middle grade The Land of Storis:The Wishing Spell I've been getting a middle grade itch all over. My better bookish half, Emily Sterner, is begging me to read The Percy Jackson series. I'm totally game!

Heart of a Samurai, by Margi Preus
Also been really into anything with an Asian influence/setting. This was in the children's section and looks so endearing. 1800's time frame, on the high seas, the main character wants to be a samurai, mixture of two cultures...Newberry Honor Award. Can't miss.

Shadowcry, by Jenna Burtenshaw
Ah, the book I've been hunting down for a while. I first saw it in bookstores when I was 17 when it first came out and at that time fantasy was not yet making such a come-back. This I am really excited for, both the book and the genre (I'm currently reading Sarah J. Maas's Throne of Glass!). The sequel for this is now out in hardback and if you read the post where I rant about my quirk with having series in the same type of "back" then you'll know I'll definately have to wait for the sequel to come out in paperback now. But at the rate I read books, I don't think it will be a porblem.

Thomas Riley, by Nick Valentino
Do you think perhaps Steampunk is making its own little comeback? What with the Sherlock movies and the new releases I've been seeing on the shelves lately? I hope so. This one looks good and gritty, just the way I like them. Plus I've been searching for main male character fiction as of late as well.

Well there it is folks.
Proof that I am bookishly unstable.
I'd ask for help...
but I find I don't really care for any.

Here's to making time to read!
Here's to loving your quirks!
Here's to...well here's to books, books, books!!!

Monday, August 20, 2012

Back to Business

So the reason for my slight absense has been due,
1. to travelling, see last post.
2. to getting four wisdom teeth pulled. :(

I had them out two thursdays ago and am doing pretty fine now. There was definately a point where the pain meds had me feeling quite icky and so I was not only unable to eat the foods one cannot eat after oral surgery, but also unable to eat even the mushy good stuff you're supposed to eat after oral surgery. Like pudding and jello and milkshakes. The reason: I couldn't eat sweet things. Gasp! Cry! Oh what a world, what a world!
But actually I didn't mind so much because, like I said, I was feeling the ick. Big time!
But anyway, a couple fifty bowls of mashed potatoes later I was good to get off those troublesome pain meds and just stick with the tylenol and ibuprofen. And now I'm eating a cookie as we speak! Pretty early in the day, but I was deprived so cut me a little slack.

Since then I have gone back to dance--no pics, sorry. Nothing really too exciting as of yet. Just a lot of sore muscles. Though we are starting a very cool, very different, project that I will tell you more about later. :)

I've also bought this product!

In light of a looming september, therefore fall, season I thought it a good idea to splurge a little and get this stuff that I've been hearing many good things about. And I can see why. Ever wonder why Blake Lively always looks like she just stepped off the beach? Yeah I'm pretty sure she uses this stuff. And I'm always looking for go-to hairproducts that mean I don't have to spend a ton of time in front of the mirror getting ready for school...yet still have cute hair.

I've been writing like crazy...more on that to come...hopefully.

I was able to make it back into the kitchen yesterday. I felt so at peace again, even if I was only doing a little side baking for my dad's family famous grilled chicken and sweet corn dinner, pretty much just what it sounds like, but I love it so much!

Turned out great!
But two notes:
1. Don't think that because it is a savory baked good you can use sprayed olive oil instead of good old canola oil...just because you feel like it. It actually doesn't work.
2. These say garlicky because they are very garlicky. The recipe calls for five cloves and I put in four because I happen to have some larger cloves in my kitchen, and even that was a bit too much for me. But if you do like really garlicky things, then by all means go for it!

I also bought these songs. Mostly to satisfy myself until I can buy the whole albums!

We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together, Taylor Swift Album: Red

One More, Joshua Radin, Album: Underwater week leaft of summer break! Hopefully I can make it count...and not go too crazy trying to finish my current WIP. Actually, maybe I should go get to that right now. :)

Here's to modern medicine!
Here's to time at home!
Here's to time well spent during time at home!!!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Living Limitless

I am returned to my home in little Modesto, California and what a whirlwind this past weekend has been at the United Methodist Women's Limitless conference at Duke University in North Carolina. So many wonderful new opportunities and friends have presented themselves to me!
I got to meet my conference group from California/Nevada, aka CalNev--oh yes, the name caught on.

I have to say as of...perhaps...three weeks after I graduated high school (don't ask me how) I started to notice a difference between myself and others who had not yet graduated.
I felt older.
I felt I could not connect.
You might be scratching your head or you might be laughing at me because why whould I consider myself so matured when I'm only a few weeks out of high school?
But now I'm a whole year out of high school and I think I can say I definately notice a difference when around high schoolers (and I mean this in the nicest of ways, mind).
The point of this being, I was living with four high schoolers in my own conference and I did not notice a difference.
These girls were seriously awe-freaking-some!
I believe there was a moment after we all met up finally where one of us made a joke in a big group of other girls, and when the only ones who found it hilariously funny were the girls from CalNev, the ice was officially broken. We hit it off right away and we hit the ground running.
This past weekend was full of revelations and inspirations.
I now feel equipped to work with the United Methodist Women organization in the best way I possibly can. It might not be an easy road, but I feel it's one worth travelling.
And with the support from my fellow team mates, even if from afar, I believe we can accomplish so much more than we all thought possible just six days ago.
And that's saying something.
Here are the pictures!

Some little friends near our dorm.

The Duke Chapel was under construction, but still breath taking. My first time in such an extravagant cathedral!

Three of the gang: Danny, Maddie, and Hope.

The dining hall, reminiscent of Hogwarts. And I was not alone in this thought.

Core Sessions, where the work got done.

Canvassing around the residential area near Duke. I was a little hesitant at first, but the team was so go-getter! And it ended up that my partner and I raised the most donations! We were quite proud.

Full day of work and brain storming with the CalNev girls. Quite a passionate group!

Me, Hope, and Piper!

Laughs. Down time. Soft serve after a long day's work! Say hi to Victoria!

In the end the CalNev Conference came up with a...dare I say...PERFECT mission statement for our next two years as ladies of United Methodist Women.

We are diverse sisters united, driven by God's grace, to empower women, embrace all gifts, and take bold action against injustice.

Here's to August!
Here's to all the Esther's in the world!!
Here's to living limitless!!!