I'm baaaaack.
So I said I would be relaunching this blog in June and here we are, JUNE! The new set-up for my posting schedule, because believe me, I need a schedule, will be a regular post every Saturday. This means you'll get a discussion post every first and third Saturday and a regular review post, The Latest Three, every second and fourth Saturday, roughly speaking as I suppose a month could potentially go long or short. This will have the exception of random posts I post randomly cause, ya know, those things happen, and if I get a job and decide another day of the week would work better for me. But for now, there's just something so happy about Saturdays that I feel a blog post would go swimmingly along with it.
Today I am just doing an initial I'm Back post to announce this blog will now have regular content and also say a big Hi to you all.
I also want to point out that this blog does have a new name/url. It's Kat Wearing Hat and katwearinghat.blogspot.com, though unfortunately I couldn't get the title on the page fixed cause I forgot my technology inclined friend would be on a cruise ship in Alaska at this time. So there's that, but hopefully it will soon say the proper name instead of Da Polka Bot.
I also also wanted to point you to the nifty little widgets I added on the side bar with links to my twitter, Goodreads, and Pinterest accounts. Please feel free to follow, especially Goodreads if you like my reviewing style because I post them as I read them. (This is because as I was taking a break I was getting super ahead on my blog content and so am WAY ahead of the books I'll feature here in The Latest Three.)
Let's see...that's all I got for now.
Oh wait!
I almost forgot.
I have an announcement!
It's not a super duper big one, but I'll share it nonetheless. I've got a little book I've been working on for, mmm, nine years or so, and just last week I finally finished my second draft of it. This draft was mostly focused on getting my word count down, which I totally did! By, like, 50,000 words! This still means I've got around 100,000 words, but it's a historical fantasy so I suppose it's going to be long in nature. Anyway, I'm having my two friends/critique partners read it and get back to me hopefully within a couple months, and then I'll begin on a grueling third draft. It's gonna be a doosey and will probably require multiple playings of Eye of the Tiger and lots of coffee, but I will be ready. I will.
If you're interested, the second Pinterest link I have is to my storyboard, so go ahead and take a gander.
For now, I'm just being happy here in Santa Barbara. It's like in the 70's and there hasn't really been too much June gloom, so that's nice. I will also be working on doing more research for my current WIP (historical "anything" = lots of research, which I've slacked on, unfortunately), more research on two other projects, one of which is a partnership I'm deeming Tango Novel -- cause it takes two to tango, duh -- and another I'm deeming Conquistador Novel. I'll also be blogging. Yay! And possibly learning to play guitar and golf, thanks to The Musician (aka Mr. Boyfriend, see Cast of Characters). And oh yeah, getting a job.
So what are your summer plans? Reading plans? I'll be discussing mine in my post on Saturday!
Until then, happy reading!
Oh, by the way. This was kinda me when I finished that second draft.
I have a no-regret policy on life.
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