Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Things I Desire

Memorial Day Part Two:

Last day of my Memorial Day Weekend I went shopping...
Ok, I didn't actually buy anything, but I window shopped. Modesto does not have the most fabulous shopping mall, but it is getting better. Lately, I've been liking Bebe, Charming Charlie, and, of course, one cannot go to that mall without taking a little dive into Sephora (aka Make Up Heaven). So I ended up making one of those mental shopping lists that one makes when they do not have nearly enough money to buy what they desire most. And I can certainly desire!
Oh and I found out we are getting a Foreign Exchange! I've never bought anything from there, but looking at their website it appears that it won't be that way for long.


And still, the list just keeps gettin' bigger

1 comment:

  1. skirt is amazing!!!)

