Sunday, September 30, 2012

Ballerinas Rock!

So the reason why there's been a whole lot of nothing out of Da Polka Bot recently has been because of a myraid of great things, all consumed, rather unfairly I must admit, by the complete craziness of my entire week.
The usual:
another performance!
This weekend marked another ragingly successful fundraiser for Central West Ballet! We rocked it!
No really, we rocked because the show was called CWB Rocks!
Clever, huh?
Well, when the first piece of the night is We Will Rock You by Queen, you kinda can't pick a better title. The rest of the night was filled with more great songs like (You Can't Always Get What You Want, Are You Gonna Be My Girl, Back in Black) some original, some instrumental. In the end, I was sooooo happy to be apart of yet another fantastic (and rediculously fun!) show. Rumor has it that people have been asking for a fuller version to come to the Gallo Center here in Modesto. Hopefully we can make that happen.
Last performance, I gave a list of things that I thought best described my experience...
but this time I went the extra mile and got some pretty good pictures. I shall proceed to pat myself on the back, while you take the time to continue on and peruse. Heck, go ahead and oooh and aaaah if your feelin' it.

Ok, so I didn't actually get much of the venue, but here is a snap of the silent auction. My mom did some bidding on a few tickets. Hopefully we get them!

Love these girls!

We've been friends in this company for years, and now here's us all in college. So grown up!

I wore a Love Culture jacket, dress I got WAY cheap in NYC, and Steve Madden heels. (Can't see them here, but stay tuned.)

End of the night, time to go home and SLEEP! That's the costume I wore for the first piece, You Can't Always Get What You Want, whence I totally got my flower power on.
Here's to the second show!
Here's to more soon to come!
Here's to CWB!!!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

The Latest Three

No food post this Sunday.
I'm under the weather for now so I thought it best to stay away from anything communal, especially when it will end up in the internal system of its consumers.
So instead I've decided to start a new blog series here on Da Polka Bot
The latest three books I've read:
Something Strange and Deadly, Susan Dennard
LOVED the characters! LOVED the romance! LOVED the ending!
This was more of a recommendation read for me (my best friend is kind of obsessed with zombies) but I'm so glad I read it! One of my favorites of the year probably!
The Land of Stories: The Wishing Spell, Chris Colfer
Chris Colfer did such a great job with this debut novel! The twins were expertly written and so were all the fairytale characters. I would have been a HUGE fan of this kind of thing when I was little. I would have spent days thinking about the land of stories, putting myself into my own adventures meeting princesses and escaping fearesome witches. Five stars, from this reader! Especially since it made me both laugh and cry...on more than one occassion.
(Oh, and did I mention I got to meet him too and have my copy signed!)

Throne of Glass, Sarah J. Maas
First off, I just love this author's story. I love watching all those Youtube videos where she is crying incessantly and just doesn't care because her dream is coming true! She's an inspiration in that way and though I wasn't a FictionPress reader I loved watching the story come to life in the second half of her journey to publication. This story paid testament to that. I loved Celeana's character. So much vulnerability and strength in one body, and I truly believed every word of it. Plus, a fantastic love triangle and some intense world building, all well done.
Note: I am very persnickety with love triangles.
I also recently received the latest installment from Mrs. Stiefvater, one of my absolute favorite authors! And I say this having not yet finished all of the Shiver trilogy and not yet having started her Lament series* Honestly, The Scorpio Races was enough to put her in that category. I've already started it of course, and I'm pretty sure I'll have it finished by the time I get to see her in person...
more on that later.

Here's to soup!
(I think you know why)
Here's to the first of fall!
Here's to books, books, books!!!
*That's a long, complicated story...

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Life of an Almost Pantser

What a crazy compacted week it's been so far!
And it's not even over yet.
I wasn't able to do a Tuesday post so I took care to do so today (and for some reason I chose my other craziest day of the week...that is, besides Tuesday).
Last Tuesday post I talked about how much I am not a fan of Tuesdays, but such is not the case for Thursday.
Well I'd think that is obvious.
Tomorrow is Friday!
...and also my first Bio test. Meh.
Wearing: F21 top (borrowed from my sister, Banana), H&M shorts, Zigisoho lace booties, and an opal necklace I got for my mom in Australia a while back
This week has been jam packed with rehearsals (our next show, CWB Rocks!, is coming up so soon!) and homework!
I also had my first piece workshopped in my creative nonfiction writing class. It was so great! I loved hearing what nice things people had to say in response to my work, especially since they were people I didn't know, but I also really appreciated what criticism they had to offer.
I'll give you a little insight:
I don't always like (or feel the need, I should say) to write about tension.
Now, this mostly pertains to when I'm writing about myself, not when I'm writing fictional stories, which is what I mostly write.
But for this class we are required to delve into our inner-selves, our pasts.
Let me tell you, it's not easy, a real challenge even.
But I'm loving the challenge.
Even if it's making me explore my darker side a little.
Not to ramble much longer, but I also finally sat down to meet with a counselor and I've now got some even more exciting things to think about.
Some hopes I've been having for a while are likely going to be realized in the not-too-distant future.
While some others are deffinately going to need some rethinking.
But that's ok.
I can't help but think of a phrase that's popular with writers.
Plotter vs. pantser.
Do you write by the outline or by the edge of your seat?
I never really considered myself the latter, but now that is slowly starting to change.
And I have to admit.
I kinda dig it.
Here's to the plotters!
Here's to the pantsers!
Here's to all of the above!!!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Fancy Dogs

It is my humble belief
(and also Alton Brown's)
that the world is divided, that is the meat-lovers' world is divided, between the hamburger people and the hot-dog people.
That is, those who love hamburgers and those who love hot dogs.
I am a member of the hot-dog lovers species.
And proud of it!
Not to say that I don't LOVE a good hamburger every now and then,
but hot-dogs just hold a special place in my heart.
So this Sunday dinner...
for those of you who don't know, I try to cook for my family every Sunday night...
I went with the good old classic of hot dogs...
with a twist.
I used a resipe I got from Sunset magazine
(I freakin' love that magazine!)
and it's called The Surfer.
Sensing my last attempts to get in a little summer vibes as September quickly zooms past me?
Note: I am not a Mayo person, but mixed with Sriracha sauce it takes on a whole new purpose in life.

So I mixed the Mayo with the Sriracha and chopped up the scallions with the mashed avacado and cooked the shrimp and it was delicious!

And unavoidably messy!
Job well done.
In other (book) news, I bought myself a new copy of Jane Eyre, one of my absolute favorite classics!
I'm reading it in my book club class.
(Intro to short fiction and the novel)
It's the Barnes & Noble edition and I LOVE IT!!!
The feel of it in my hands is so right and the edges of the pages have been painted deep, plum red. There's also a little silver ribbon attached to mark your place.
Which I momentarily thought was a bummer because I also bought a new Harry Potter bookmark as my other one was way worn out. But quickly realized there would be plenty other books to use it for in the future.
Note: I collect bookmarks...just in case you were still wondering what to get me for Christmas.
Along this train of thought, I'm still reading Throne of Glass--almost done!--and I love it. Can't wait for the sequel to come out.
Please, shhhh, no spoilers!
Here's to Sunday dinners!
Here's to the yummy dogs!
Here's to weekends spent reading the best (looking) of books!!!

Saturday, September 15, 2012

First Performance of the Season

Thursday was my first performance of the season!
And it was fantastic!
Here is a list
(because I'm feeling a lack of lists on this blog...and I like them)
of what it was about this performance that stuck out.
1. Outside park. The place where I once did an anual recital as a seven year old and an eight year old and so on and I had two dances in an itchy frilly fake tutu and we had to stay in two straight lines and I was always the tallest so I was in the back and I mooched all the cool snacks off of my friends because my mom would only pack me a banana and yogurt and other icky, healthy things.
Of course, this performance was a far cry from those performances.
2. Group of hot shirtless boys running, wherein we all waved and batted our heavily mascaraed eye-lashes and one of us (not me) went and got better acquainted with. They said they would come to the show, but I never found out if they did or not. Needless to say that bit was highly entertaining.
3. Extremely hot sun glaring down on us.
4. Dirt on our pointe shoes and THE HOTTEST EVER tent as a changing room.
Beggers can't be choosers.
5. Crazy nerves, especially while waiting as our Artistic Director gives his long speech while we wait in anticipation, "Let's get this started already!"
Note: There is no escaping this torture at these kind of CWB performances.
6. Old dance floor that's akin to dancing on a trampoline. Note: this is not a good thing.
7. Great, fantastic, inspiring performances and choreography from everyone!
8. Cute little girls in tutus who dance around in the audience...and consequentially steal the show.
9. Best finale ever!!!
10. Friends and fellowship at the after party. And some seriously delicious soup and bread!

My good dancer buddy Amy and I.
Hopefully I'll have more photos for you from my next show. I always try to get some good behind the scenes shots, but taking photos in general can be hard when the craziness of a show is underway. Thanks to everyone who was a part of Ballet in the Park and who came to watch and support!
Here's to dancing like no one's watching when everyone's watching!
Here's to live shows!
(Because they are AWESOME!)
Here's to a new season of dance!!!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Least Favorite Day of the Week

What's your least favorite day of the week?
And for what reason?
Mine is Tuesday.
Oh, you Tuesday.
You even sound the most unpleasant to me.
It's nothing personal really.
I've always said...
Tuesday lacks the refreshment of a Monday and the promise of a Wednesday.
But of course there is always one thing to put me in a better mood.
Especially the freshness of a brand new lacy-type dress like this one.
 Delia's dress and belt.

A little DIY I got off of the You Tube. I took the inner sections of a large button up blouse and cut them all the way to their ends. If you take each length of fabric and loop them once around each other (preferably showing the buttons like I've done here) and tie at the back it makes a nice little headband.

 But, of course, the best kind of accessory is a smile.

Here's to Teusdays!
Not because they are good or bad...
But because we are living!!!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

What a Heel!

Recently Banana and I made a quick trip to Walgreens for school supplies and came across a $1 nail polish sail on Sinful nailpolish. I'd been looking for a good dark green forever, but especially now since Fall is due to arrive soon. Banana got the gray and sparkly blue, both of which I will surely borrow, especially since we keep all our nail polish in the same place anyway.
Last Chance, Slate, and Blue By You

Do you have those pair of flip flops? The ones that you've worn for so long they've molded to the shape of your feet perfectly? The ones that go with everything? The ones that make all the others pale in comparison when you think of how much you adore your good old faithful flip flops? These are mine. I've had these green O'Neil flops since I was in...9th grade? It's been so long I can't entirely remember.

So I bring them up because, being the "old faithfuls" that they are, I was in need of them today when I went to church. As I've said, dance has had me turning into a bag of bones--sore and painful bones. In that light, I happened upon my first blister of the season. It's on my heel and it's pretty large, but I'm too chicken to pop it. Which perhaps you're not supposed to do, but I'm a dancer and we rarely pay those silly kinds of rules any heed. So today for church I was in no position to wear the cute (aka the more painful) shoes that I usually like to wear.
When I refer to my flip flops as old faithful, I'm not kidding.
Wearing a thrifted lace top, Macy's skinny jeans, O'Neil "Old Faithful" flip flops, Charming Charlie Cross necklace, and F21 ring.

I love cross necklaces, but they often come way too ornate or bedazzled for my tastes. This one is tasteful and a bit edgy!
That is my favorite statment ring.
Here's to sales that make me smile!
Here's to seasonal change!
(Bye-bye Sunday school, hello sermons and regular youth group meeting/outings)
Here's to the "Old Faithfuls" in the world!!!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

My Time with Vlogger

Happy weekend!
This marks the end of week two for me of both school and dance!
And I am seriously spent! This year I'd say has been the most intense coming back for me. We've started with three shows in the works, but right now we're preparing most for Ballet in the Park, our second installment of the free show in Gracieda Park in Modesto. It's this coming Thursday, Sept. the 15, at 7 pm and it's free! So of course if you find yourself in the area and not busy--actually, no. If you find yourself in the area make time to come and see Central West Ballet perform a grand, free show! You won't regret it.
And it's outside! So bring a picanic basket Booboo, something seriously scumptious, and enjoy. There won't be anyone to shush you if you want to talk and laugh and the variety of the pieces(Neoclassical to Rock and Roll) will have you hoppin' and applaudin'.
See you there!

Back in August I was asked by a freind I made with MJC drama to be a part of his friend's newest film installment for his youtube channel, AWSoy Productions. This guy, Mr. Andy Wong, is great and fun and I loved working with him and the team, even if for only a little.
Albeit I didn't get much screen time, but it was kind of fun to play a character whose role was so pivitol to the story, but was only shown in a few short glimpses.
Andy says he plans to turn this preview into a bigger production sometime in his future. And since he's already off studying film in San Francisco I'm sure he's going to go far. I mean, the time I spent with his well organized and thought out production surely was testament to that. This guy knows his stuff!
Here is enough talk. Please, take a look and enjoy!

Vlogger by AWSoy Productions

Here's to deadlines that make me work!
Here's to pushing through sore muscles because you know it's sooo good for you!
Here's to art for all!!!

Monday, September 3, 2012

Left Alone

My family went away to Monterey for this labor day weekend.
And what did I do?
I decided if my little brother, commonly known as Lantern, was bringing his little gf along, then I was not coming because they were getting a hotel and therefore the bed situation was just off enough to be awkward.
And I wanted silence.
So away they went.
And at home I stayed.

Got off to a great start on Saturday with my dad's famous ebelskivers, basically little pancake balls.
(Cake pops eat your heart out!)

These awesome oxfords came in the mail along with those jeans, another pair, and a new dress all from Delia's! My mom loved those shoes so much she bought a pair for herself.
(My dog Spinner also makes his debut here on Da Polka Bot. He's rockin his summer haircut one last time.)
Because I like to take advantage of every chance I have to hang with my better-bookish-half, Emily Sterner, and because I am too much of a wimp to sleep in my big empty home alone, Emily and I did a little late night baking of peanut butter cookie dough brownies. Trust me, this recipe is not for the brownie faint of hearted. I am the sugar thriller-seeker of the two of us and getting down two pieces of these had me nearly wishing I hadn't...
that's nearly wishing, of course.

I buckled down and made sure my dad and I got this project done on Monday: new shelves! I'm so excited to have some of my books present in my room again! Plus lots more room on my dresser.
The books you see are all my favorites (aka the "I wish I had written these" booklist). Of course, all the rest of my beloved Harry Potter are being lent out currently, so sadly some of these will have to go. But not really as I'm bringing back the big bookshelf next weekend.
I've also shown a few of my little antique treasure finds. I try to collect vintage tins right now and I'm using them mostly to hold my jewelry.
 And do you see the colorful little bag in the last shot? THAT'S my new Hello Kitty dance bag.
Here's to time spent alone!
Here's to personal space for Kateri!
Here's to wonderful, long weekends!!!